RLK Associates

Richard King
About: Consultancy, Tourism



Engineering Background


Press Release

Hayling Island Second Bridge

Tourism Interests

My Other Web Sites


Site Map


The Consultancy has an extensive background in composite materials including properties, design, manufacturing, statistical analysis and a wide range of applications, from aerospace to civil engineering.

A specialist area has been business development in the fields of composite and non-metallic materials.

A particular success was a major contribution to the tripling of the turnover of a composite moulding company, primarily through diversification and the introduction of new business by this route.

We have worked with Brunel University, International Civil Engineering Consultants, as well as organisations in the South of England

Recent and present major involvements are with the University of Brighton and Colleges in the South of England, as well as a developing relationship with Sussex Enterprise.

As far as my personal experience is concerned, apart from my aerospace background that has also embraced lecturing to University and College Students, as well as Military Personnel, in engineering science and materials, in addition to working with students on an Industrial Mentor Basis. This includes a Visiting Lectureship at the University of Brighton and an an Associate Lectureship at Chichester College (contributing, in particular, to the AS Level Course in Design and Technology). My publications include several technical papers and articles in composite materials and manufacturing processes.





The Tourism Page (Tourism Interests) is only for those who can make a substantial leap beyond what are usually regarded as the limits of Science and Engineering. The same applies to my Non-Engineering Web Sites (My Other Web Sites). What is in those pages and Web Sites is of enormous value to Havant, Portsmouth, Hampshire, the South of England and Germany, especially from a tourism and business point of view. Specifically, it is estimated, on the basis of very experienced business opinion, to worth hundreds of millions of Pounds.

Paradoxically, and unfortunately, I am having to go outside of Hampshire to develop that business. there have been delays, for a number of reasons, including a personal one (see my Journaling Web Site when established, or my new Personal Web Site) but I expect to resume work on those matters with Sussex Enterprise/Business Link Sussex in the very near future.

With regret, I have not found the immediate area where I live, or the County of Hampshire, as a whole, very helpful in terms of developing my business interests. In fact it has been quite hostile. The sole exceptions so far, have been the Chambers of Commerce and a solitary County Council Economic Development Officer.

A recent (September 2004) meeting with a local organisation, which I was told (by the County Council Economic Development Officer) would assist me develop a business plan, free of charge, was a complete waste of time. Just afterwards, in response to my description of that meeting, a very senior local business person, who is well aware of my background and present circumstances, as well as the value of my other aspect, connections, to the region, said, "Go with Sussex". Regrettably that is not the best advertisement for Hampshire but it is certainly not of my choosing.

My need to resort to the Internet and a relative proliferation of Web Sites, still in the process of building is not the best advertisement, either.